Jahn SC, Law ME, Corsino PE, Rowe TC, Davis BJ, Law BK. Assembly, Activation, and Substrate Specificity of Cyclin D1/Cdk2 Complexes.Biochemistry (2013 in Press)
Jahn SC, Corsino PE, Davis BJ, Law ME, Norgaard P, Law BK. Constitutive Cdk2 ActivationPromotes Aneuploidy While Altering the Spindle Assembly and TetraploidyCheckpoints. J Cell Sci. 126(Pt 5):1207-17 (2013)
Jahn SC*, Law ME*, Corsino PE, Parker NN, Pham K, Davis BJ, Lu J, Law BK. An In Vivo Model ofEpithelial to Mesenchymal Transition Reveals a Mitogenic Switch. Cancer Letters. 326(2):183-90 (2012) [* denotes co-first authors]
Jahn S, Law M, Corsino P, Law B. TGF-beta Antiproliferative Effects in Tumor Suppression. Front Biosci. 4:749-66 (2012) [Review Article]
Jahn S. Spindle Assembly Checkpoint entry in the Encyclopedia of Cancer (2012)
Jahn S, Law B. CDCP1 entry in the Encyclopedia of Cancer (2012)