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Previous Winners | Postdoc of the Year
Address 1 :
Address 2 :
Title : Dr.
First Name : HOUMAN
Last Name : SAVOJI
Email ID : houman.savoji@utoronto.ca
Country : Canada
State : Ontario
Zipcode : M4S 1G4
Department : Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (IBBME)
Area of Research
Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Organs on Chips
Area of Expertise
Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Organs on Chips
Brief Description of Research Interest :

As a Chemical and Biomedical Engineer with training, hands-on experience and strong foundation in design, fabrication and characterization of tissue engineered biomaterials, his approach is to design, develop, optimize and implement emerging engineering technologies (Cell-Electrospinning, 3D Biopronting, Micro fabrication, Microfluidic platforms, etc.) for one of the most highly demanding markets in bioengineering, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine and medical disciplines.


Micro/Nanofabricarion, Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, 3D Bioprinting, Cell-Electrospinning, Microfluidics, Plasma Chemistry, Surface Modification & Characterization, Novel Drug Delivery Systems, Membrane Technology.

Representative Publications :

1-  Savoji H, Mohammadi MH, Rafatian N, Khaksar Toroghi M, Wang E, Zhao Y, Korolj A, Ahadian S, Radisic M (2018) Cardiovascular Disease Models/Platforms: A Game-Changing Paradigm forDrug Discovery, Review Paper in special issue on â€œBiomaterials andBioengineering Innovations for Ex Vivo Tissue-Chip Development”, inBiomaterials- Accepted- July 2018.

2- Savoji H, Godau B, Sheikh Hassani M, Akbari M (2018) Skin Tissue Substitutes and Biomaterial Risk Assessment and Testing, Review Paper in Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, section Biomaterials on "Adverse Reactions to Biomaterials:State of the Art in Biomaterial Risk Assessment, Immunomodulation and In Vitro Models for Biomaterial Testing", Accepted, June 2018.

3- Savoji H, Hadjizadeh A (2018) Surface Modification of Medical Implants, Book Chapter in Handbook of Modern Coating Technologies, Accepted-June 2018.

4- Darvishi S, Ahadian S, Savoji H (2018) Graphene-based Nanomaterials in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Book Chapter in Handbook on the Graphene Materials, WILEY­ Scrivener Publisher, USA, 2018.

5- Ahadian S, Savoji H, Khademhosseini A (2018) Recent Advances on Regenerative Hydrogels in Tissue Engineering, Mini Review in Chemical Engineering Progress, AIChE Journal, 2018.

6-   Savoji, H.,  Maire, M., Lequoy, P., Liberelle, B., DeCrescenzo, G., Ajji, A., Wertheimer, M.R., and Sophie Lerouge (2017) Combining Electrospun Fiber Mats and Bioactive Coatings for Vascular Graft Prostheses, Biomacromolecules 2017, 18, 303−310.

7-   Niknejad S.M.S*., Savoji H.*, Pourafshari Chenar M., Soltanieh M. (2017) Separation of H2S from CH4 at Different H2S Concentrations, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology14 (2), 375-384 (*equal contribution).

8-   Hadjizadeh, A., Savoji H., Ajji A. (2016) A Facile Solution for Droplet Coagulation in the Electrospinning of Poly (lactic acid) Nano/micro Fibers and Mat Evaluation Towards Neural Stem Cell Expansion, BioMedResearch International 2016.

9-  Lequoy P., Savoji H., Saoudi B., Bertrand-Grenier A., Wertheimer M.R., De Crescenzo G., Soulez G., and Lerouge S. (2016) In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation of a Bioactive Coating for Stent-Grafts Based on Chondroitin Sulfate and Epidermal Growth Factor, Journal of Vascular andInterventional Radiology 27 (5), 753-760. e3

10- Lerouge, S., Barrette,J., Ruiz, J.C., Sbai, M., Savoji, H., Saoudi, B., Gauthier, M., and Wertheimer, M.R. (2015) Nitrogen-RichPlasma Polymer Coatings for Biomedical Applications: Stability, Mechanical Properties and Adhesion Under Dry and Wet Conditions, Plasma Processes and Polymers, 2015, 12, 882–895.

11- Savoji, H., Lerouge,S., Ajji, A., and Wertheimer, M.R. (2014) Plasma-Etching for Controlled Modification of Structural and Mechanical Properties of Electrospun PET Scaffolds, Plasma Processes and Polymers, 2015, 12, 314–327.

12- Savoji, H., Hadjizadeh, A., Maire, M., Ajji, A., Wertheimer, M.R., and Lerouge, S. (2014) Electrospun Nanofiber Scaffolds and Plasma Polymerization: A Promising Combination Towards Complete, Stable Endothelial Lining for Vascular Grafts, Macromolecular Bioscience,2014, 14, 1084–1095.

13- Savoji, H., Mehdizadeh, A., and Ramazani S.A., A. (2014) Transdermal Nitroglycerin Delivery Using Acrylic Matrices: Design, Formulation, and In Vitro Characterization, ISRN Pharmaceutics, 2014, Article ID 493245.

14-  Lerouge,S., Thalla, P., Lequoy, P., Fadlallah, H., Liverelle, B., Savoji, H., Wertheimer, M.R., De Crescenzo, G., Merhi,Y. (2013). Bioactive Coatings With Low-Fouling Non-Thrombogenic but Cell-Adhesive Properties, Using Chondroitin Sulphate, European Cells andMaterials, 2013, 26(6), p. 19. 

15- Savoji, H., Rana, D.,Matsuura, T., and Tabe, S. (2013) Development of Plasma and Chemically Induced Graft Co-Polymerized Electrospun PVDF Membrane for Solute Separation, Separation and Purification Technology, 2013, 108, 196–204.

16- Savoji, H., Rana, D., Matsuura, T., Soltanieh, M., and Tabe, S. (2012) Novel Surface Modifying Macromolecules (SMMs) Blended Polysulfone Gas Separation Membranes by PhaseInversion Technique, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012, 124, 2287–2299.

17- Savoji, H., Rana, D.,Matsuura, T., Soltanieh, M., and Tabe, S. (2012) Influence of Novel Surface Modifying Macromolecules (SMMs) and Coagulation Media on the Gas Permeation Properties of Different Polymeric Gas Separation Membranes. Journal of AppliedPolymer Science, 2012, 124, 2300–2310. 

18- Vafajoo, L., Savoji,H., Fayal, R., and Baghaei, A. (2011) Modeling and Simulation of Tanks-in-Series Airlift Bioreactors for the Production of Lactic Acid by Fermentation. Korean Journalof Chemical Engineering, 2011, 28(8); 1727-1735.

19- Chenar, M. P., Savoji,H., Soltanieh, M., Matsuura, T., and Tabe, S. (2011) Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide from Methane Using Commercial Polyphenylene Oxide and Cardo-Type Polyimide Hollow Fiber Membranes. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2011,28(3): 902-913.

20- Chenar, M. P., Savoji,H., Soltanieh, M., Matsuura, T., and Tabe, S. (2010) The Effect of Ethane on the Performance of Commercial Polyphenylene Oxide and Cardo-Type Polyimide Hollow Fiber Membranes in CO2/CH4 Separation Applications. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2010, 27(6): 1876-1881.
