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Previous Winners | Postdoc of the Year
Address 1 :
Address 2 :
Title : Dr.
First Name : ANDY
Last Name : TAY
Email ID : [email protected]
Country : United States
State : California
Zipcode : 90024
Department : Material Science and Engineering
Area of Research
Area of Expertise
Brief Description of Research Interest :

Andy Tay graduated from the NUS Biomedical Engineering Department and Global Engineering Programme with a First Class Honours in 2014. He was awarded the NUS Overseas Graduate Scholarship to pursue his PhD in University of California, Los Angeles. 

His research lies in neural engineering specifically using material science to enable neural stimulation and recording to access deep-tissue neurons. Andy is also keen in the synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles with uniform properties and has designed several platforms to evolve magnetotactic bacteria to generate magnetic nanoparticles with homogeneous properties.

Andy has won multiple awards including the prestigious Hemsley Fellowship from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, grant from Bavaria California Technology Center that funded his research internship in Germany and the Australian Endeavour Research Fellowship. 

With the NUS-Overseas Postdoctoral Fellowship, Andy is performing his post-doc training with Professor Nicholas Melosh in Stanford University to work on nano-probes for neurotechnology.

Representative Publications :

1.    Andy Tay, Kunze, A., Murray, C. & Di Carlo, D. Induction of calcium influx in cortical neural networks by nano-magnetic forces. ACS Nano (2016).


2.    Andy Tay, Kunze, A, Jun, D, Hoek, E & Di Carlo, D. The age of cortical neural network affects their interactions with magnetic nanoparticles. Small(2016).


3.    Andy Tay, Schweizer, F. & Di Carlo, D. Micro- and nano-technologies to probe the mechano-biology of the brain. Lab on a Chip (2016).


4.    Andy Tay & Di Carlo, D. Remote control of neuronal activities using magnetic nanoparticles. Current Medicinal Chemistry (2016).

5.    Andy Tay & Di Carlo, D. Magnetic nanoparticle-basedmechanical stimulation for restoration of mechano-sensitive ion channelequilibrium in neuronal networks. Nano Letters (2017).


6. Andy Tay, Murray, C. & Di Carlo, D. Phenotypic selection of Magnetospirillum magneticum (AMB-1) over-producers using magnetic ratcheting. Advanced Functional Materials. [In Press]


7. Andy Tay. Magnetotactic bacteria: Nature’s source of high quality magnetic nanoparticles. Innovation Magazine (Singapore) [In Press]

For an updated list, please see my profile on Google Scholar.
